Monday, February 4, 2008

The Scandalous Love of God

Philip Yancey has a way of making me think, or rather squirm. He pokes me in the eyes with truth until they water. Then when it is all said and done, I wipe my eyes and end up thanking him for poking me. Talk about adding insult to injury. But I remember that teh wounds of a friend are more trustworthy than the kisses of an enemy. I believe that Phil is my friend, since we are seeking after the same thing -- conformity to Christ. That high goal however must run through an examination of my gracious levels.

Phil points out that God's grace is scandalous! It goes against everything that we consider "right". Grace does not make any sense to us. Listen to what Phil writes,

"Why would God choose Jacob the conniver over dutiful Esau? Why confer supernatural powers of strength on a ... deliquent named Samson? Why groom a runty shepherd boy, David, to be Israel's king? And why bestow a sublime gift of wisdom on Solomon, the fruit of that king's adulterous liaison? Indeed, in each of these Old Testament stories the scandal of grace rumbles under the surface until finally, in Jesus' parables, it bursts forth in a dramatic upheaval to reshape the moral landscape."
What's So Amazing About Grace, p.61

  1. So what parable do you think he is thinking of?
  2. Can you think of other NT examples of Jesus living graciously in spite of the "receptivity" or "worthlessness" of those to whom he ministered?
  3. Do you struggle with ministry to the "undeserving" or do you struggle with Jonah syndrome?
  4. What is the antidote to this twisted mental conception? How do we straighten out our "stinkin' thinkin'"?

I want to think Jesus' thoughts about grace, and then minister it to them!

Still amazed by grace,
Pastor Mike

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