Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Does God Use Unsaved/Evil People to Do His Will?

Before you answer, you should consider the example of Joseph's brothers (Gen 37:12-36 + Gen. 50:15-21), the example of Pharaoh (Ex. 14:1-31), or Job's friends (Job 42:1-16).

I believe the answer is yes. I believe that He even uses their own character to set them up to accomplish exactly what He wants.

  1. Is there a difference between doing God's will and accomplishing God's plan?

  2. Do we have to be willing participants to get the badge of honor/crown of glory for accomplishment of the battle plan?

  3. Are you willingly pursuing God's will for your life and facing roadblocks?

Remember that God intends it for your good and is working it together for His ends. His ways are indeed higher than ours and He has the better perspective on the way that things are!

Pursuing the plan,
Pastor Mike

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