Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When Temptation Becomes Too Great

Last week we looked at a Biblical narrative about Joseph. It is the story of how he, being a rising star in the servant world, and sufficicently strapping, catches the eye of his boss's wife. She being either of poor moral character or extremely lonely as the abandoned first lady or some combination of both, sets about to seduce poor Joe. Her attempts at securing his physical intimacy are refused. She is not accustomed to rejection and sets Joe up to be alone with her. The trap is sprung and Joe is left with only one option -- drop your coat and run like mad.

Two interesting things have happened since we had that lesson led by Bethany:

a. My pastor friend Paul Peterson blogged a great exit strategy if he were ever caught in that situation. It sounded remarkably similar to Joe's actions.
b. Our governor Elliot Spitzer is up to his eyeballs in trouble following some evidence gathered against him in a prostitution sting. It is remarkably dissimilar to Joe's actions.

So. Whaddyathinkbout now?
1. How important does an exit strategy seem to you now? Have you formed one yet?

2. Some have said that Spitzer actions are not really the issue -- they are private matters. Do you agree or not? Why? (By the way, any answer that isn't supported by the Bible is not a Christian Worldview)

3. At least one person has said that Eliot Spitzer's actions are a "victimless crime". Do you agree?

4. Read this great post by Scott Ott. He seems to have made the connection! Does his response to Gov. Spitzer seem to soft or compassionate? Does he go too far in feeling sorry for the governor? How would you respond to the governor if he called you in for advice?

5. Can fallen leaders be restored? Is immorality an unforgiveable offense?

6. How does David's story help sort out this political mess? What actions reflect a man after God's own heart?

7. Do you believe this stuff only happens to politicians or other people? (i.e. "That would never happen to me!")

Teens, I hope that you can see once again that the truths taught in the Word of God are relevant to today. They are applicable everyday as you walk and talk about in this world. You must know them thoroughly and totally go beyond hearing only! Our enemy wants to see us fall. He is very creative and very resourceful and very deceitful. Do not try to outwit him on your own. Put on your armor and train your thoughts to follow God's ways!

On guard,
Pastor Mike

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