Thursday, March 13, 2008

Service Seminar Pre-view

Thanks to all of those who endured the pre-view lesson last night on Christian Service. I am looking forward to polishing it and teaching it to teens at Marilla this weekend. God has really used the Youth Seminars in some really neat ways in the lives of teens in the past and I expect this year will be no different.

If you could think of any way that I could improve on the message or the mechanics of delivery, please feel free to give those ideas. That way, this seminar could be a ministry of Wyoming Baptist YG , not just Pastor Mike! Thanks for your input in advance. :)

Here are some prayer requests for the weekend:

1. Health -- my voice and upper respitory irritations. I want to give the seminar in the most dynamic way possible. Also pray for the Mitzels, if they are as sick as the rest of us who caught these bugs, they may not be back in action for a while. That would mean no Andrew on the weekend. That would be sad -- we would miss Napoleon.
2. Safety -- there are not supposed to be any major storms this weekend, but one never knows on the back roads of Western NY.
3. Unity -- the Youth Seminars is also about getting to know the younger Trek crew. Pray that Sr. Hi teens and Jr. Hi teens will not allow the typical separations to occur. This is a great opportunity to develop friendships with older and younger teens.
4. Growth -- I know that you think that YS is all about the pizza and the FUN. But, the real goal is that these pieces of the puzzle fit together with spiritual growth. The real goal is that you are stretched in at least one key area of your life.

I look forward to hearing about your weekend at the far end. Remember, there is a time of sharing available on Sunday night to encourage those who are at home. :D

To defend and serve,
Pastor Mike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, unfortunately I wasnt there on Wednesday so I cant really comment on your presentation Pastor mike.....but I am sure it was great! Maybe I will have to skip one of the workshops I signed up fro to come to yours instead! Or better yet you could "redeliver" it after the youth seminars are over ...besides by then you will have perfected it I am sure! BUt anyway I am sure it is wonderful and now that I have broken the ice every one else especially those who actually heard it can get on and put their comments! Oh, and by the way I cant tway til after youth seminars to get back on and blog everything I learn! It will be alot I hope! I hope to hear from the rest of you soon!