Monday, March 17, 2008

Something to Chew On

I used this quote in the Youth Seminars at Marilla this weekend. I was wondering if you might like to a) read it, b) think about it, and c) discuss how this truth will affect the way that we do youth ministry at Wyoming.

“Thirty years from now, regardless of changes in technology, communication, and culture, people will still have the same basic needs. They will need love, acceptance, meaning, purpose, forgiveness, dignity, and significance. They will struggle with selfishness, fear, guilt, resentment, worry, boredom, loneliness, and other universal problems. These won’t go away. Thirty years from now the solution will still be the same: Jesus Christ.”

--Rick Warren

  1. Why is it important for us to understand well Jesus Christ and the message of the gospel and be able to articulate it clearly?

  2. Is it important to keep sharpening our skills at sharing the gospel, explaining Scripture, and sharing our testimony?

  3. Have you ever struggled with any of the issues Rick Warren mentioned? How does that change your ministry zeal/urgency?

  4. What will motivate us to be involved with these kinds of broken people? (hint: think second main session, feeding of the five thousand)

I want to have a youth group that is open and receptive of people (especially teens) at all places in the journey. I want to see young people who care for the lost and are actively reaching out to them to draw them to Christ by lifting Him up. I want to be salt and light in the world around us to the point that people begin bringing their broken friends to us to heal them. Do you?

For teens and for the lost,

Pastor Mike

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